恭贺 Bryan Chong Cheng Yong 完成一百万团队业绩!

Congratulations to Our DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR
『 Bryan Chong Cheng Yong 』
Successfully breakthrough 1 Million GFYP Agency within half year in FY20/21 by outstanding results.

A house cannot be built without a solid foundation and the same can be said about success. Your drive and ambition are that solid base and your achievement here is one of the many bricks building that house.

Wish you will get a new high peaks in career and get more success and achievements in the future.

『 Bryan Chong Cheng Yong 』
在财政年度 FY20/21 的半年里带领团队以出色的成绩完成 1 Million GFYP!

13年前,他面临着人生最重要的转折点,他因为种种原因来到了 SP 并认同了 SP 的理念与核心价值,最终成为了这个团队的伙伴。一路走到今日,他成为了 Development Director,也是团队的领导者,因坚持不懈和突破自我的精神而深受伙伴们、客户们的信赖。他带着队伍一同进步、一同成长,在今日突破了今年的第 1 个百万。

愿你持续精进,带领队伍再创佳绩、突破更多的百万,为 SP 百亿使命添砖加瓦,圆满客户及自己的人生。


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