International Dragon Award
International Dragon Award (IDA) is set up by IMM International during the second Worldwide Chinese Life Insurance Congress (WCLIC) of 1998. Based on the fair and objective evaluations and verifications, we honor IDA to the insurance and financial service professionals and endorse their outstanding achievements through publishing IDA Who’ s Who.
Since founded in 1998, the International Dragon Award (IDA), which to promote the concepts of Paragon, Perfect and Noble, has been popularly affirmed and praised by worldwide Chinese insurance and financial people. As IDA first award starting in 2000, there are more and more applications for IDA awards each year. Except the insurance elites are pursuing their Agent Category Award and Manger Category Award of IDA, a lot of teams also use IDA concepts as their goals and standards for business operations. Till now, there are eight teams awarded with 100 IDA members. After 20 year developments, IDA has recorded the excellent achievements of all the worldwide Chinese insurance and financial professionals. We will work hard as our original intention and strive for the future of the Chinese insurance industry.
The qualification of the IDA member will not only outline a milestone into the business and life but also indicate that our member step into the new field of more professional knowledge, motive power, high-quality thought and lifestyle. Thus, IDA can build up the international status and honor and advocate the high-quality and satisfactory lifestyle for its membership.
保险行销集团 (IMM INTERNATIONAL)于 1998 年第二届世界华人保险大会宣布设立《国际龙奖 IDA(INTERNATIONAL DRAGON AWARD)》,提供一个公正客观地标准,进行严格谨慎的资格审核,并透过奖项的颁予及《国际龙奖 IDA 名人录》(IDA Who’s Who)的出版,给予优秀的金融保险精英们国际性的荣誉与肯定。
国际龙奖 IDA 自 1998 年宣布设立以来,积极推崇【典范、完美、尊贵】的理念与境界,至今广泛获得全球华人金融保险业界及从业人员的高度重视与肯定。自 2000 年首次颁发奖项,每年申请国际龙奖 IDA 奖项人数与日俱增,近年除了行业精英在追求杰出业务与优秀主管 IDA 会员,更有许多团队以 IDA 的理念与标准作为发展的指引与依规, 2019 年,全球有 8 支《IDA 百人团队》的尊荣。国际龙奖 IDA 历经 20 年由萌芽到茁壮的发展历程,充分记载着世界华人金融保险业发展和从业人员成就的华丽篇章,是一个值得我们不断追寻的崇高境界,更是大家引以自豪的创举。
荣获国际龙奖 IDA 的会员资格不仅仅是个人事业及生活的一个里程碑,也意味着将跨入另一个具有更崇高专业知识、成长动力、思想品质和生活境界的新领域。因此,国际龙奖 IDA 在建立国际性荣誉与地位的同时,更全面提升会员们的生活品质和品味内涵,宣导更优质圆满的生活方式。