恭贺 Kendric Heng Ken Long 完成三百万团队业绩!

Congratulations Our Senior Development Director
『 Kendric Heng Keng Long 』
Successfully breakthrough 3 Million GFYP Agency in FY20/21.

A house cannot be built without a solid foundation and the same can be said about success. Your drive and ambition are that solid base and your achievement here is one of the many bricks building that house.

Wish you will get a new high peaks in career and get more success and achievements in the future.

热烈恭贺我们 Senior Development Director
『 Kendric Heng Keng Long 』
在财政年度 FY20/21 里以出色的成绩突破 3 Million GFYP!

Kendric 作为 SP 的资深领导,明白为了达到如今的成绩,团队合作至关重要,因此他用心栽培每一位队员,帮助他们发挥自身的潜能,带领他们走向更广阔的舞台成就自我。他以身作则,带领团队向客户提供最专业最优质的服务,为帮助他人,也为攀登高峰,除了成为客户们心中最受信赖的顾问,也向 SP 百亿使命更近一步。



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