恭贺 Kendric Heng 完成四百万团队业绩

Congratulations Our Senior Development Director
『 Kendric Heng Ken Long 』
Successfully breakthrough 4 Million GFYP in FY21/22.

Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the resilience, hard work and persistence which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds. You will achieve even more in your new promotion as every success ladder you climb buys you a ticket for another challenge.

Moving on to a new stage in career can be a challenging process. We wish you a new high peaks in all of your future endeavors with more success and achievements.

热烈恭贺我们 Senior Development Director
『 Kendric Heng Ken Long 』
在财政年度 FY21/22 里带领团队以出色的成绩再次突破至 4 Million GFYP!

Kendric 作为许多伙伴们信赖且尊敬的领导者,明白团队合作才是突破的关键,因此他悉心栽培每一位成员,帮助他们成长为能够独当一面且优秀的精英,带领他们走向更广阔的舞台成就自我。他以身作则,亲身示范作为一名优秀的金融理财顾问应有的素质和专业,凭借着丰富的经验带领伙伴们走向成功,成为百亿使命的一大力量。



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