恭贺 Ryan Ang Yiu Tee 完成五百万团队业绩!

Congratulations to Our Senior Development Director
『 Ryan Ang Yiu Tee 』
Become the first team in Southern Region which successfully breakthrough 5 Million GFYP Agency in FY20/21 by outstanding results.

A house cannot be built without a solid foundation and the same can be said about success. Your drive and ambition are that solid base and your achievement here is one of the many bricks building that house.

Wish you will get a new high peaks in career and get more success and achievements in the future.

热烈恭贺我们 Senior Development Director
『 Ryan Ang Yiu Tee 』
在财政年度 FY20/21 里带领团队以出色的成绩成为 SP 第一个完成 5 Million GFYP 的队伍!

Ryan Ang 是 SP 资深领导,带领着一个强大的团队一共冲锋陷阵,奋斗在最前线。对每一位队员,他都细心地培养,帮助他们提升专业实力,教导他们化解一切难题,带领他们大量实践,最终获得了耀眼的业绩。团队在他的带领下,帮助了无数的家庭,为他们排忧解难提供最优质的服务,为他们带来即使面对风险和困境也能安心度过的能力。

愿你及队员们持续精进、再接再厉,圆满客户以及自己的人生,SP 百亿使命因你们而日胜一日!


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