恭贺 Ryan Ang 完成一百万团队业绩!

Congratulations Our Senior Development Director
『 Ryan Ang Yiu Tee 』
Successfully breakthrough 1 Million GFYP Agency in FY21/22.

Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the resilience, hard work and persistence which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds. You will achieve even more in your new promotion as every success ladder you climb buys you a ticket for another challenge.

Moving on to a new stage in career can be a challenging process. We wish you a new high peaks in all of your future endeavors with more success and achievements.

热烈恭贺我们 Senior Development Director
『 Ryan Ang Yiu Tee 』
在财政年度 FY21/22 里以耀眼的成绩突破 1 Million GFYP!

他带着团队在前线积极奋斗,通过大量的实践,将金融寿险带来的保障惠及更多的家庭,获得了实至名归的荣誉。他是 SP 的资深猛将,坚守本心,是客户们青睐的金融寿险顾问;他是备受敬爱的师长,引领每一个队员提升自我、迈向更好的未来;他是备受信赖的领导,以自身为榜样,带领着团队一次次拿下多项荣耀。



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